View Data Tools: Basic


This article shows you how to use the View Data tools in the Basic mode.  In Basic mode, you get the essential tools and a simple table layout that focuses on price, ROI, and opportunity.

These View Data instructions can be used to learn about the tools for the following search portals:

Note: Amazon Flips and the Library search portal is not included in this list because they do not have a Basic mode.

Advanced mode

In Advanced mode, you get a comprehensive set of tools to analyse and organise search results. To learn about the View Data tools in Advanced mode, see:

More information

The View Data page in Basic mode is a much easier to navigate compared to the table in Advanced mode. 

That said, getting your head around the tool set can be a challenge for newbies. That's why we divided the instructions into smaller articles. To understand key functionality on the View Data page, you should also read:

Opening the View Data page

There are several ways to open the View Data page. 

  • On the main dashboard, click View Data on the black menu on the left side of the screen. A drop-down menu displays. Select View. The View Data page for Product Search displays.

  • On the main dashboard page, click the View button on a search portal. The range of portals on your dashboard depends on your subscription service.

  • Inside a search portal, click the blue View data button.

Choosing the Basic display mode

  1. Go to the View Data page of a search portal.
  2. Scroll up to the top of the page. 
  3. If not already selected, toggle the switch towards Basic.

1.  Selecting a search

You can either look at all the data discovered to date, or if you have run more than one search, select a search you've run for a more granular approach.

  1. Click the field beside You are watching. A drop-down menu displays.
  2. Select a search on the menu. The search results display on the page for you to select from.

1.1  Viewing process details

After selecting a saved search, a green INFO button displays on the menu bar.

  1. Click the INFO button. A Process info panel displays.
  2. Click the X to close the panel.

The panel has information about the search, including the URL, search date, and number of products added.

1.2  Changing the search name

You can change the name of the saved search.

  1. Click the blue pencil. A new field displays.
  2. Edit the search name.
  3. Click the check mark to save the name change.
  4. Click the X to cancel the change.

2. Reverse Search Button

After selecting a saved search, a blue REVERSE SEARCH button displays on the menu bar. (This tool is not available on the Reverse portal.)

This option is here if you would like to Reverse Search the results shown. Selecting this will cause a new Reverse Product Search tab to open on the browser, pre-loaded with all the ASINS from the results in the View Data process you are looking at.

For more information about Reverse searches, see:

3.  Adding notes

After selecting a saved search, a Notes button displays on the menu bar. This handy tool lets you jot down notes as you work through the data analysis. 

  1. Click the Notes button. A panel displays. 
  2. Write a note and then click SAVE. 
  3. The pencil will go green indicating a note is saved here for viewing.

4.  Show barcodes

This switch controls the display of barcode images in the table.

  1. Toggle ON the switch to display barcode images for the products in the table.
  2. Toggle OFF the switch to hide the barcodes.  

5.  Updating data

Use this tool to update information on your table. This button updates data for all products on the table. 

  • A different button also called Update gets current information for individual rows of data. That button is discussed later.
  1. Scroll up to the top of the View Data page.
  2. Click the orange UPDATE DATA button. A drop-down menu displays.

The drop-down menu has four options:

  • update source prices
  • update adjusted prices
  • update Amazon data
  • update all data

Note: In the Wholesale search portal, has only two options: update adjusted prices and update Amazon data.

Each option is described below.

6.1  Updating source prices

Get current source prices for every product in the table. 

  • Note: This is a useful tool if you originally ran a cache search (rather than a live search), and want current source price information before making a buy decision.

Tactical Arbitrage visits the source of each product and checks the source price. If a different price is found, it is presented in the table.

6.2  Updating adjusted prices

Get the current adjusted price information for every product in the table. The adjusted price is your net buy cost after discounts as well as cashback and giftcard rebates. The adjusted price is used to calculate the gross ROI for each product.

This tool is very handy if you come across a new special discount or offer. For example, you learn that a company is offering a 10% cashback rate for a limited time.

  1. Click UPDATE ADJUSTED PRICES. A new panel displays.
  2. Add new information to one, some, or all of the fields in the Update Adjusted Prices panel.

After updating the information, inspect the Adjusted Price column on the table.

  1. Hover the mouse pointer on the green price button. The Adjustments panel displays.

The Adjustment panel shows the discounts on the left (negative percentages) and additional costs on the right.

6.3  Updating Amazon data

Update table information from Amazon. This includes:

  • Amazon Buy Box Price
  • Amazon Return After Fees
  • Sales Rank
  • Average Price for 30 and 90 days

 6.4  Updating all data

Update all pricing information. This includes store prices and Amazon BUY Box prices.

This tool does not update adjusted prices. That information is handled in a separate update tool (see above). It will keep the current setting of adjusted prices for the update.

7.  Using the download all tool 

Use this tool to download your search results.

7.1  Selecting a download destination

  1. Click the green DOWNLOAD ALL button. A small drop-down menu displays.
  2. Select the destination for your file: your computer or your Google drive. 
  3. If you select Google, you're prompted to login to your Google account.  

7.2  Selecting a file format

After selecting a file destination, the Download All panel displays. Here, you choose the type of file to download. There are two options:

  1. download the entire file as a csv or xlsx

8.  Using the delete all tool 

The DELETE ALL tool looks simple, but it's not. It's a little more sophisticated than wiping an entire table of data.

8.1  Deleting the table

On a basic level, the DELETE ALL button wipes the whole table.

  1. Click the DELETE ALL button. A confirmation panel displays.
  2. Click DELETE ALL. 
  • Note: After deleting a table, the data is gone; there is no UNDO button.

8.2  Deleting selected columns or rows in a table

There are other delete options. These options appear if you have hidden columns or rows.

Click the DELETE ALL button. A new panel displays. You can delete:

  • the entire table (DELETE ALL)
  • the columns and rows that are not visible (DELETE HIDDEN)
  • the visible columns and rows and keep the hidden content (DELETE VISIBLE)

9.  Using the move all tool 

The MOVE ALL comes in handy when you want to save a large table. The Move All tool takes all of the information in a View Data table and saves it in a folder. 

  1. Scroll up to the top of the View data page.
  2. Click the MOVE ALL button. A confirmation panel displays.

With the Move/Copy All panel open, you have several options, as described below.

9.1  Destination

The first step is to select a save destination.

  1. To move data to an existing folder, click the field next to Select Your Folder. A drop-menu displays.
  2. Select an option. If you have not created any folders, the default is Main Folder.
  3. To create a new folder, click the field next to Create.
  4. Enter a folder name.

9.2  Move or copy

The next step is to decide how to save the data.

  1. Select MOVE ALL to remove the table from the View Data page and place it in the folder. After a MOVE ALL, the View Data page is empty.
  2. Select COPY ALL to place a duplicate of the table in the folder. After a COPY ALL, the table on the View Data page is unchanged. 

10. Using the page display toolbar

This toolbar helps you navigate the table. It's very handy when there are hundreds or even thousands of search results.

Scroll up to the top of the View Data page. The toolbar shows several pieces of information.

10.1  Search tool

Use this tool when you want to narrow the search results based on a keyword in the title. You can also use it to search a UPC, EAN, or ASIN. 

  1. Enter a keyword (or product code) in the search field.
  2. Click the magnifying glass or hit ENTER on the keyboard. Products with that key word (or product code) display in the table.
  3. To remove the search filter and display all results, delete the keyword from the search field and then click the magnifying glass (or hit ENTER on the keyboard).

10.2  Current page

The page currently on display in the table is highlighted in the toolbar. The current page is blue. Click a different number to change the table page.

10.3  Change page

There are two ways to change the table page. You can click a number in the toolbar. Or, click the field next to Go and type a page number. Click Go and the table data changes.

10.4 Show results

You can change the number of items on display in the table. Click the field next to Show and select a number on the menu. The maximum number is 100.

10.5  Number of entries

On the right side of the toolbar, you can see the number of entries currently on display in the table. You also see the total number of entries for this search.

In the image above, the toolbar shows the total number of entries for this search is 25,926.

11.  Looking at exchange rates

Scroll to the top of the View Data page and you'll see the words Exchange Rates.

Click the nearby question mark and a panel displays. It shows current exchange rates used when calculating prices and margins for cross-country transactions (e.g. if your search was for buying in the UK to sell in the US).

This panel on the View Data page is for information purposes. This data cannot be changed. It is only useful when you are doing cross-country transactions. 

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