Analyse View Data: Basic

This article provides an overview of the View Data table in the Basic mode. After reading this article, you'll know how to:

  1. use row toolbars to save and delete data
  2. use the Amazon toolbar to find product price and sales history
  3. analyse profit potential by looking at key financial figures
  4. assess a product's potential by looking at non-financial data

These View Data instructions can be used to learn analytic skills for the following search portals:

Advanced mode

In Advanced mode, you get a comprehensive set of tools to analyse and organise search results. For more information, see:

More information

This article skips over background information that was covered elsewhere. For those sorts of details, see:

1.  Using the row toolbar

This toolbar is located on the left side of each row in the View Data table. The toolbar has 5 tools.

1.1.1  Using the select toolbar

There's a white check box on the left side of the blue bar. If you check the box on one or more rows, a select toolbar displays.  

  1. Check the box on a row to open the row toolbar.
  2. Check boxes on multiple rows, if desired.
  3. Uncheck the box on the blue bar to hide the toolbar.

  • Note: The number of checked items displays on the toolbar.

1.1.2  Select All

Click this button to select every item in the table. Any action you take next (e.g. update or delete) affects the selected items. 

After clicking SELECT ALL, the number of highlighted items displays in the menu.

1.1.3  Deselect All

  • Click DESELECT ALL to uncheck every item. After clicking this button, the toolbar becomes invisible.

1.1.4  Update 

Update table information for selected rows.

  1. Click the UPDATE button. Two new buttons display.
  2. To get current information for all categories, click UPDATE ALL DATA.

  1. Click UPDATE ADJUSTED PRICES to update only that category. A new panel displays. 
  2. Enter new data into one or more fields.
  3. Click either UPDATE ALL ENTRIES or UPDATE. 

1.1.5 Delete

This tool has two functions.

  1. Click the DELETE button. Two new buttons display.
  2. Click DELETE SELECTED to remove checked items from the table.
  3. Clicked MARK AS MISMATCHED to keep items in the system but flag the source product as a bad match for the Amazon product. The row is removed from the table.

1.1.6  Move and Copy

You can move or copy selected rows to a different folder.

  1. Click the grey field to select a folder. The default is called Main Folder - Search.
  2. To create a new folder, click the (+) button and then enter a new folder name.
  3. Click MOVE TO FOLDER to move selected items  to the folder. This option removes items from the View Data table.
  4. Click COPY TO FOLDER to place a duplicate of selected items in the folder. This option keeps selected items on the View Data table.

1.2  Using the save button

Each row has a panel of 4 buttons. The heart-shaped button is the Save button.

  1. Click the heart button. A new panel displays.
  2. Click the grey field to display the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a folder name.
  4. Click Save to place a copy of the row in the folder. The row stays in the table.
  5. Click MOVE to place the row in the folder. The row is removed from the table.

1.3  Using the update button

Click the UPDATE button to get current product information.

1.4  Using the delete button

Use the Delete button to remove or mark items.

  1. Click the DELETE button. Two new buttons display.
  2. Click DELETE SELECTED to remove checked items from the table.
  3. Clicked MARK AS MISMATCHED to keep items in the system but flag the source product as a bad match for the Amazon product. The row is removed from the table.

1.5  Using the product note button

Use this button to keep notes as you work through the data analysis. 

  1. Click the Notes button. A Product note panel displays with the name of the product you are looking at.
  2. Write a note and then click SAVE.

2.  Using the Amazon Toolbar

This toolbar is inside the Amazon cell. The toolbar has 7 tools.

2.1 Amazon seller central

Use this button to confirm you're able to sell this product on Amazon. Occasionally, there are product restrictions. Before making a buy decision, it's a good idea to see if there are any restrictions.

  1. Open a new tab on your browser and then login to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  2. Come back to the Tactical Arbitrage tab.
  3. Click the Amazon Seller Central button. A new Amazon tab displays.
  4. If Amazon's Add a Product page displays the product name and a Sell Yours button, there are no product restrictions.

2.2  Opening Camel Camel Camel

Click this button to open a Camel Camel Camel graph. It's a handy-dandy tool to track Amazon prices.

2.3 Opening search Amazon title

Click this button to search the product title on Amazon. This is a useful tool when you have a product that does not have an exact match. You can do a quick Amazon inspection. Sometimes, you can find another product which is a perfect match.

2.4 Opening source page and Amazon Page

Click this button to open the source product page as well as the Amazon product detail page.

2.5 Checking Completed and Sold on Ebay

Click this button to search the Amazon UPC on Ebay for Completed and Sold results.

2.6 Checking Completed and Sold on Google Shopping

Click this button to search the Amazon UPC on Google Shopping

2.7 Adding a Custom Link

Click this button to open the Your Custom Links popup. You can use this interface to add links to any 3rd party site. The operations are described below.

Destination URL: Enter the URL you would like to access here.
If the URL includes an ASIN, it will be dynamic to the p[roduct on the row you are examining. For example you could use that feature to link to the Amazon offers page specific to that ASIN.

Mouseover Text: This optional field can show a litte text you have entered, reminding you of what the new button is for.


Identifier: Insert a 1 or 2 letter alpha-numeric identifier here so you can easily identify what the link is for.

Logo: Upload a JPG or PNG here. Logo should be a minimum of 20 x 20 pixels, less than 2mb.

Logo URL: Link to your logo, from another URL.

3.  Analysing financial data

The View Data table presents financial estimates for each product. These figures are an important part of your overall buy decision, but there are other factors to consider, like sales context.

To simplify that analysis, you'll find key data in a single table cell called Details. The key data points are:

  • gross profit
  • gross ROI
  • monthly sales
  • number of sellers

Example 1

Here's an example of a product that seems to offer a good profit potential but a poor sales context.

  • The financials look strong: gross profit per sale is about $15 and the gross ROI is 230%
  • The context is not appealing. Monthly sales are estimated to be 0 and there are 3 sellers.

Example 2

Here's an example of a high volume product with a modest profit margin.

  • The gross ROI is strong but the gross profit per sale is $4.41.
  • The context looks strong. There are only 5 sellers yet the product sells an estimated 82 units per month.

Would you buy these products? 

Before making a buy decision, you should look at non-financial data and consider your own arbitrage strategy.

4.  Comparing non-financial data

It's impossible to describe all the steps you might take to analyse the View Data table. There's a dizzying amount of information to consider. 

Besides, data analysis is a science and art. 

That's why we made a quick check list. It's four non-financial variables you should consider when making a buy decision. 

Some of these steps help you confirm the buy and sell products are identical. Matching products is vital. It helps avoid customer complaints down the road which can result in product returns and bad reviews.

4.1  Checking codes

It's always a good idea to check product codes. When looking at a possible buy decision, this should be your first check.

  1. Locate the Details box and look at the ASIN and UPC lines.

If the numbers appear in line, the codes match. The image below shows matching codes.

Code mismatches appear in the Details box as an ASIN with a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to review the product options. You might find a matching product.

  • Note: If the codes do not match, you might want to avoid this product.

4.2  Checking images

Comparing images is another way to see if the source product is the same as the Amazon product.

In some cases, the initial images don't match. If the Amazon site has additional images, two arrows display. 

  • Click the arrows to change the image display.

  • In this example, we clicked the arrows and found a matching image. This is another layer of proof that product quality is the same.

4.3  Checking quantities

You found a match with a killer ROI. The heart starts pumping faster with anticipation.

Are you comparing apples to apples? 

Check the quantities. Sometimes, there's a title match but the quantities are not the same.

Here's an example.

The image below shows an appealing gross ROI of 255%. However, the quantities do not match.

  • The source product is for one bag.
  • The Amazon product is a two-pack. Check the Amazon product by clicking the link. In this case, we see it's the same product but the quantities are different. 


4.4  Checking product ratings 

You can form an opinion about product quality by looking at Amazon customer ratings and the number of customer reviews.

Ratings and reviews are not displayed in Basic mode. However, they are easy to find.

  1. Go to the Amazon cell.
  2. Click the product title. The Amazon product page displays in a new tab. 

Scroll down the Amazon product page. You can see the product rating and the number of customer reviews.

We recommend avoiding products with a rating of 3 or less. That rating level suggests customers don't love the product or the item fails to deliver as expected. Avoiding troublesome products makes good business sense. You avoid returns and possible negative reviews about your business.

The number of reviews gives you an idea about trends. If hundreds or thousands of people award a 4+ start rating, it's likely the product delivers quality to the customer. 

5. Creating a buy strategy

New players in the arbitrage game might want to make strategic buy decisions to manage risk.

There are two basic buying strategies: go wide or go deep.

  • Go wide means you buy many different kinds of items but only one or two of each. 
  • Go deep means you buy a large quantity of a few items. This strategy is recommended for items which have a high sales rank and highly monthly sales volume.

The best choice for you depends on several factors including experience, your business aims, working capital, and risk tolerance.

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