Source Titles

Filtering search results with keywords in the title.


This article shows you how to use the Source Titles filter.

1.  Using Remove Products if Source Title Contains

This filter removes products which have your keyword, or keywords, in the title.

A handy tool when searching a category with a gazillion products (e.g. toys), this filter omits a specific segment, or segments, from the results. 

In the example below, we set the filter to remove products with Lego or Hasbro in the title. In the end, we want a list of toys, but we don't want to see Lego or Hasbro products.

  1. Enter a keyword in the field. 
  2. Add a comma or space to enter another keyword.

Using Remove Products if Source Title Contains

2.  Using Remove Products if Source Title does NOT contain

Here's another keyword filter that works well with ginormous categories. Use this tool to remove products which do not have your keyword in the title. 

  1. Enter a keyword in the field. You can enter only search keyword.

In the example below, we set the filter to remove all products that do not have Marvel in the title. In the end, we want a list of Marvel products.

Using Remove Products if Source Title does NOT contain

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