Integrate your Tactical Arbitrage Account with Amazon


Integrating your TA (Tactical Arbitrage) account with Amazon is vital. It's the foundation of your business. By the end of this article, you will know how to:

  • create a professional seller account on Amazon
  • Integrate TA with Amazon

1.  Setting up your Amazon account

The first step is to create a professional seller account on Amazon. 

  • Note: Amazon offers two types of accounts: individual and professional. TA does not work with individual accounts. You need to set up a professional account.

To create an Amazon seller account, click here.

Across the regions 

The link you need to create an Amazon Professional Seller account might be different depending on your location. 

  1. For global regions and languages, click here. The Amazon Services page displays.
  2. In the top right corner of the page, hover your mouse on the flag. A menu displays.
  3. Click a flag to select your language. A new page displays.
  4. Click the Start Selling button. The Amazon Seller Central page displays.
  5. Start filling in the application to set up an account.

2.  Authorizing

You can connect your TA account to Amazon with a simple 'Authorize' button.

You can visit Settings/keys to "Authorize"

It'll just take about a minute.

When you are back on the TA page, you can click here to confirm that you are correctly connected:

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