Threecolts Helpdesk

How to Migrate alerts over from BindWise?

To begin your migration from Bindwise to FeedbackWhiz, please login to your Threecolts manager account via:

1) Locate the Bindwise Product Icon Under Active Products and click on Manage Accounts

2) Click on View

3) Click Migrate Now

4) Click Create Account

5) A new FeedbackWhiz Alerts account will automatically be created
Click on Launch

6) FeedbackWhiz app will launch and ask you to connect your SP-API.
Select the appropriate marketplace region and then click Connect.

7) Follow the instructions to connect your Seller Central SP-API.
Please refer to this article for additional steps on connecting FeedbackWhiz:
Adding an Amazon marketplace

8) Once your account starts syncing, you may need to wait anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours for the API to sync your data. FeedbackWhiz will send you an email once the syncing is complete.

9) You can now login from and locate the FeedbackWhiz Alerts Product Tile under Active Products. Click Launch access your FW Alerts Account. You do not need to login via Bindwise Product Tile anymore and we will remove it from your manager after we detect your products and settings have successfully synced.

10) Please reference these support articles on how to use and setup your FeedbackWhiz Alerts
Alert's Demo video

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