How do I turn off monitoring for certain ASINS?


Perhaps not all listings are equally important to you, especially if you have too many or you just want to reduce the number of emails you are getting for certain products and you have already used up the fine-tuning settings available within the Bindwise user portal. In these cases, you can always exclude some ASINs from tracking, or if that list is long you can list only the ASINs you want to track. 

One of the general features we offer to filter out your notifications is to disable tracking for Out of Stock (OOS) products.  

To exclude tracking of ASINs that are OOS

  1. Go to the Settings tab of your Bindwise Dashboard
  2. Toggle ON "Track only products that are in your stock" feature

The other option is to fine-tune your alerts by specific ASINs.

Here’s how to exclude specific ASINs from tracking:

  1. Go to the Settings tab of your Bindwise Dashboard
  2. Exclude ASINs from tracking
  3. Exclude ASINs
  4. Upload Text file containing the list of ASINs you wish to exclude
  5. select the option below "Receive alerts about all my products excluding the uploaded ASINs".*

Here’s how to track only selected ASINs:

  1. Go to the Settings tab of your Bindwise Dashboard
  2. Exclude ASINs from tracking
  3. Exclude ASINs
  4. Upload Text file containing the list of ASINs you only wish to track
  5. select the option below "Receive alerts only about the uploaded ASINs".*

*Note that by excluding some ASINs from tracking you will not only disable notifications on product change alerts for these ASINs. You will not receive ANY type of alerts for ASINs you excluded. 

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