Cancel Subscription

Yes, you can always cancel your subscription.

To process your cancellation request, please follow the steps below:

1. Please log in and click here: Manage Account

2. Click Cancel

3. You'll be redirected to the Settings Page. Click on Cancel Account

4. Confirming the Cancellation

I. Chat with us

If you're looking to chat with our support team, click "Live Chat".

If you're perhaps cancelling because you find Tactical Arbitrage to be daunting or too complex, we have two options:

II. Sign up for a free coaching class hosted by one of our specialists. 

The course can give further insights on optimizing your searches and ensuring you're getting the most out of Tactical Arbitrage. Simply click on "View Classes" to check out the available classes that you can sign up for. 

III. Book a free 1 on 1 meeting 

Meet with one of our specialists, and they'll address any issues that you encounter. You can book the 1 on 1 meeting by clicking the "Book a meeting" button.

IV. Cancel Account

If you still wish to cancel, simply scroll all the way down to the bottom to finalize you cancellation with the red "Cancel Account" button. 

Please note that, if you are in a trial period, your account will close at the end of the trial period. If you have a paid subscription, the subscription will automatically expire at the end of the billing cycle.

After making the cancellation fully, you should receive an email that further confirms that your account has been canceled. 

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