Bindwise Migration to FeedbackWhiz

We are excited to share that we've been working diligently to bring you a superior product, FeedbackWhiz Alerts - with enhanced functionalities, settings, and even more alerts! 

What to Expect: 

📍 API Transition [Required Action]: To fully enjoy the benefits of FeedbackWhiz Alerts, you must disconnect your current API integration with Bindwise and connect to FeedbackWhiz API. 

Follow this step-by-step guide on migrating your account. Our support team will be available to answer any questions you may have.

💰 Grandfathered Pricing: Your current pricing plan will be grandfathered, ensuring that you continue to receive exceptional value without any increase in cost.

Your account billing will automatically transfer from Bindwise to FeedbackWhiz. Once you have completed the account migration process, billing will immediately stop on Bindwise. 

😎 Seamless Transition: To minimize disruptions, we will migrate your existing alerts, settings, and preferences from Bindwise to FeedbackWhiz, ensuring that you don’t miss any alerts.

🖥️ Email Filters: Any email filters you've created for Bindwise will need to be updated to ensure uninterrupted communication. Notification emails will now originate from

👍 Superior Functionality: FeedbackWhiz Alerts offers a wide range of new alerts, logs and graphs, and the ability to segregate alerts to specific ASINs and recipients.

Please note: This migration is mandatory, and Bindwise will no longer be supported after April 15, 2024.
We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible so you can fully take advantage of FeedbackWhiz Alerts' enhanced capabilities.

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