Threecolts Helpdesk

User Types

User Types

Organizations have an "Organization Owner" who has full account access.

> "Organization Admin" will have access to everything in the Organization.  This includes the ability to purchase more accounts, manage users, change/view billing details, etc.  The only person who can remove an Org Admin, however, is the Org Owner.

> "Regular User" will only have access to the specific accounts they've been invited to join and do not have access to anything else associated with the organization (i.e. ability to invite other users, ability to buy more products, ability to see invoices).

Unless you want your team member to have full account access to your account, we'd recommend adding them as a "Regular User" rather than an "Organization Admin".

🚨 IMPORTANT: You will want to set product-specific permissions IN PRODUCT. Organization permissions relate only to your Threecolts Organization but the permissions do not transfer to products.

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