There are various Amazon fees located inside the Profit's Dashboard Profits Dashboard
You can also locate Amazon fees broken down by ASIN level inside the Profits layout of the Product Manager Products page
Here are the different Amazon Fee types:
Fee | Fee Name | Fee Type | Fee Description |
Amazon Fees | OrderCancellationCharge | Order Cancellation Charge | A FBM Seller is charged an Order Cancellation Charge when the order is cancelled. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | COMPENSATED_CLAWBACK | Reverse Reimbursement | Reverse Reimbursement or Compensated Clawback charges are noted when an Inventory Reimbursement item is reversed and taken back by Amazon. This scenario can happen if a lost inventory within Amazon warehouse is found or reported inventory missing from the inbound process is found. Clawback is when Amazon takes back ("claws back") the money that they paid you as a reimbursement before. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | CRETURN_WRONG_ITEM | Customer Return - Wrong Item |
If the customer returns a wrong item after requesting refund, then the refund amount is reimbursed to the FBA Seller. For FBM Sellers, they would need to report the issue through SAFE-T claim to get a reimbursement. CRETURN_WRONG_ITEM is a reimbursement, issued to you by Amazon on FBA orders, when a customer returns a wrong item to the Amazon warehouse after a refund. When a customer returns the item back to Amazon, but it's not the item he purchased, Amazon assumes that he did not return the item and charges the customer for it, reimbursing you at the same time. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | CS_ERROR_ITEMS | Customer Service - Itemized |
When Customer Service makes an error and charges wrongful fee, when adjustments are made the error is correct through Customer Service - Itemized reimbursement. This is an error adjustment, related to or performed by customer service department. Most often it's a positive deposit to your account, made after Amazon overcharges you on something. To correct previous charges, they issue a deposit to you which shows up in Other transactions |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | CS_ERROR_NON_ITEMIZED | Customer Service - Non-Itemized | Similar to Customer Service - Itemized reimbursements, this reimbursement is an adjustment for an error made by Customer Service. Only difference is that the adjustment is not associated with a particular item or order. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | Customer Return | Customer Return | Customer Return reimbursement can be due to various reasons. Most likely the returned inventory received from the customer after a refund request was not in an acceptable condition or the customer failed to return the item. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | Damaged:Warehouse | Inventory Reimbursement - Warehouse Damaged | When an inventory is damaged at an Amazon warehouse, an Inventory Reimbursement is made to the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | FREE_REPLACEMENT_REFUND_ITEMS | Refund Customer Return - Not Received | When a buyer requests for a replacement instead of a refund, Amazon requires the buyer to return the item being replaced. When the buyer fails to return this replaced item, then Amazon charges the buyer for the unreturned item and reimburses the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | INBOUND_CARRIER_DAMAGE | Inventory Reimbursement - Carrier Damaged | When a Seller sends inventory into an Amazon warehouse using the partnered carrier option, any damages found during the inbound transportation is reimbursed as an Inventory Reimbursement. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | INCORRECT_FEES_ITEMS | Incorrect Fees - Itemized |
Incorrect Fees - Itemized reimbursement is made when an error is detected on an item or an order. Amazon adjustments for incorrect fees. When the adjustment is non-itemized, no SKU is associated with that transaction. This means that incorrect charges were for a service that does not specify one SKU or had more than one SKU affected. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | INCORRECT_FEES_NON_ITEMIZED | Incorrect Fees - Non-Itemized | Similar to Incorrect Fees - Itemized, this reimbursement is a correction to a charge or a fee. Only difference is that it is not associated with an item or an order. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | Lost:Warehouse | Inventory Reimbursement - Warehouse Lost | When an inventory is lost within an Amazon warehouse, an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. The difference between Inventory - Warehouse Lost and Warehouse - Lost Auto / Manual are not clear. However, these reimbursements are noted separately. For more information, please contact Amazon Seller Support. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | MISSING_FROM_INBOUND | Inventory Reimbursement - Inbound Lost | When an inventory is lost during an inbound transportation, an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. There are other reimbursements with similar names such as Inventory Reimbursement - Carrier Damaged. The difference between these two reimbursements are not clear. Only information known is that an inbound transportation can be by Seller’s choice of carrier or an Amazon partnered carrier. The latter, Inventory Reimbursement - Carrier Damaged, specifically directs to the Amazon partnered carrier related inbound transportation losses. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | MISSING_FROM_INBOUND_CLAWBACK | Reversal Inventory Reimbursement - Inbound Lost | When a lost inventory from an inbound transportation is found, the reimbursement made to the Seller is taken back by Amazon or clawback is charged. This is a reversal of an inventory reimbursement made previously. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | MULTICHANNEL_ORDER_DAMAGED | Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order Damaged | Sellers can use Amazon Fulfillment service to ship their products to market platforms outside of Amazon and such fulfillment service is called Multi-Channel Fulfillment. When an order is received but damaged during fulfillment, a reimbursement is made to the Seller. Multi-Channel Fulfillment Only. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | MULTICHANNEL_ORDER_LATE | Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order Late | When an order is delayed in fulfillment under Multi-Channel Fulfillment service, a reimbursement is made of the shipping charge for that order. The details and calculation of this reimbursement is not clear and not much information is available on what constitutes an order to be deemed ‘late’ by Amazon’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment service. Multi-Channel Fulfillment Only. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | MULTICHANNEL_ORDER_LOST | Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order Lost | When an order is lost under Multi-Channel Fulfillment service, a reimbursement is made to the Seller. This is similar to Inventory - Warehouse Lost scenario but under the agreement details of Multi-Channel Fulfillment service. Multi-Channel Fulfillment Only. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | PAYMENT_RETRACTION_ITEMS | Reimbursement Retraction | When a reimbursement is made in an error, the credit is retracted. This charge is shown as Reimbursement Retraction. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | PREPFEE_REFUND | Prep Service Refund | Prep Services are sometimes required or added by Amazon Fulfillment service. When a reimbursement is made on that service, it is noted as Prep Service Refund. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | PRIME_WARDROBE_REIMBURSEMENT | Prime Wardrobe Reimbursement | If the Seller participates in Prime Wardrobe, a reimbursement made to an order related to Prime Wardrobe will be noted as Prime Wardrobe Reimbursement. The details of the reimbursement is unclear, but reimbursements are made when there has been a charge previously. Based on that logic, we can speculate this credit could be made when a buyer returns a wrong item or badly damaged item back. Prime Wardrobe Only. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | REMOVAL_ORDER_DAMAGED | Removal Order - Damaged | When the Seller requests the inventory to be removed from Amazon Warehouse, a removal order is placed. When the inventory is damaged during processing of the removal order, then an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | REMOVAL_ORDER_LOST | Removal Order - Lost | If any inventory is lost during the processing of Removal Order, an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | REVERSAL_REIMBURSEMENT | Revesal Reimbrusement | Reversal Reimbursement is a generic charge or credit within the inventory reimbursement group of the settlement report items. There is some conflicting information about this fee. While the name suggests similarity to Reverse Reimbursement, some of the Sellers have seen credit made with the same name. Best way to learn more about the charge is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | RE_EVALUATION | Reimbursement Re-Evaluation | When a processed reimbursement is adjusted after a re-evaluation, a Reimbursement Re-Evaluation is made. There is not much information about this fee. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | WAREHOUSE_DAMAGE | Warehouse - Damaged Auto | When an inventory is damaged while in an Amazon warehouse, then an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | WAREHOUSE_DAMAGE_EXCEPTION | Warehouse - Damaged Manual | Warehouse - Damaged Manual is a credit given after an investigation initiated by the Seller’s request. Because the damage was not automatically reported by the Amazon warehouse processing, the credit is noted as being ‘Manual’. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | WAREHOUSE_LOST | Warehouse - Lost Auto | When an inventory is lost while in an Amazon warehouse, then an inventory reimbursement is made to the Seller. |
FBA Inventory Reimbursement | WAREHOUSE_LOST_MANUAL | Warehouse - Lost Manual | Warehouse - Lost Manual is a credit given after an investigation initiated by the Seller’s request. Because the loss was not automatically reported by the Amazon warehouse processing, the credit is noted as being ‘Manual’. |
ItemFees | FBACustomerReturnPerUnitFee | Customer Return - Per Unit Fee | Customer Return - Per Unit Fee is a part of the FBA return processing fee for the Amazon Fulfillment services. |
Manual Processing Fee Reimbursement | Manual Processing Fee Reimbursement | Reimbursement - Manual Processing | When a reimbursement is processed manually by Amazon, Reimbursement - Manual Processing is used. This credit is a generic note and can be from various sources. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | A2ZGuaranteeRecovery | Reimbursement - A2Z Guarantee Case |
A2G Guarantee protects the buyer when they are purchasing a third-party fulfillment product from FBM Sellers. When a case is filed under A2Z Guarantee and is decided in the favor of the Seller, a reimbursement is made to initial removal of payment from the refund issued to the buyer. FBM Sellers Only |
other-transaction | Adjustment | Adjustment | Many types of adjustments are listed in the settlement report. An item noted as Adjustment is not clearly defined. Based on the information available, the adjustment is not an inventory related update on previous charge or credit. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | Adjustment for financial transaction | Adjustment for financial transaction | Not much is known about Adjustment for Financial Transaction items on the settlement report. Based on the information available, these adjustments are related to transfer of funds within Amazon transaction summaries such as Sales, Refunds, and Expenses derived from Amazon services. This adjustment can be a credit or a charge. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | AGSGlobalInboundTransportation | AGS Global Inbound Transportation | Amazon Global Selling program allows the Sellers to reach international buyers in other marketplaces. AGS Global Inbound Transportation fee is added a participating Seller sends inventory to be fulfilled by Amazon International Solution, a FBA service. |
other-transaction | Amazon Capital Services | Amazon Capital Services | Amazon Capital Services is one of the entities authorized to provide Transaction Processing Services to Sellers in the United States of America. Any fees incurred during transaction processing or payment processing may be noted as Amazon Capital Services. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | Amazon Easy Ship Charges | Amazon Easy Ship Charges |
Easy Ship service is offered in limited regions and allows Sellers to provide faster shipment by having an Amazon selected carrier to pick-up the order from Seller’s location and deliver to a buyer. This service also can be used in combination with Cash on Delivery (COD) or Pay on Delivery (POD) services. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | BalanceAdjustment | Balance Adjustment | Balance Adjustment is made when an inventory reimbursement is reversed. The scenario described for this charge is similar to reversal reimbursement, but the difference seems to be likely related to the timing of the adjustment. Not much information is available on this item. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | BuyerRecharge | Buyer Recharge | Based on the information we found the Buyer Recharge is noted when a buyer who received a refund for a missing or not received item then contacts Amazon to make payment after the item is received. Often this credit is found without an order ID and is seen as non-itemized. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | ChargeBackRecovery | Charge Back Recovery | When a chargeback is reputed and payment is recovered, Chargeback Recovery is credited to the Seller. Same applies when Amazon finds the chargeback in fault of stolen credit card or other reasons that may cover the Seller from fault in such transactions. |
other-transaction | CommissionCorrection | Commission Correction | Commission Correction is a credit made when an error is corrected on a commission charge to the Seller. |
other-transaction | Current Reserve Amount | Current Reserve Amount | Current Reserve Amount is funds held on the current statement which will be credited to the next statement. The reason for the delay can be related to issues on the Seller’s account such as ongoing AtoZ Guarantee claims. New accounts may also see the same delay until enough credibility is established. |
other-transaction | DebtPaymentLevel2Failure | Debt Payment Level 2 Failure | Based on the information available, the negative balance is deemed as debt to Amazon and delayed payment will initiate Amazon to recover that debt. This charge may be related to such a process. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | DisbursementCorrection | Disbursement Correction | Disbursement is made by Amazon to the Seller based on the Disbursement Period or Schedule. When a wrong amount is disbursed, Disbursement Correction is made. |
other-transaction | DisposalComplete | Disposal Complete Fee | When the Seller creates a Disposal Order, Amazon charges Disposal Complete fee for disposing the inventory. |
other-transaction | DisposalCompleteCGST | Disposal Complete CGST - Tax |
CGST stands for Central Goods & Service Tax and its application is limited to India. When Amazon provides a disposal service to the Seller, Disposal Complete fee is accompanied by CGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | DisposalCompleteSGST | Disposal Complete SGST - Tax |
SGST stands for State Goods & Service Tax and its application is limited to India. When Amazon provides a disposal service to the Seller, Disposal Complete fee is accompanied by SGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charge | FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charge | Based on the information available, the charge can be associated with exporting inventory to an Amazon warehouse outside of the Seller’s country. When an exported good is received, the Duties and Taxes are charged to the receiver. In this case, the receiver would be Amazon. This charge may be associated with the duties and taxes service Amazon provides when exported inventory is received. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charge Adjustments | FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charge Adjustments | FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charge Adjustments are noted when there’s a change on an existing FBA International Freight Duties and Taxes Charges. |
other-transaction | FBA International Freight Shipping Charge | FBA International Freight Shipping Charge | Not much is known about this charge. Based on the information available, the charge can be associated with exporting inventory to an Amazon warehouse outside of the Seller’s country. This charge covers the international shipping of FBA inventory. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | FBA International Freight Shipping Charge Adjustments | FBA International Freight Shipping Charge Adjustments | FBA International Freight Shipping Charge Adjustments are noted when there’s a change on an existing FBA International Freight Shipping Charges. |
other-transaction | FBAInboundTransportationFee | FBA Inbound Transportation Fee | When a FBA Seller ships products to Amazon warehouse for FBA services, FBA Inbound Transportation Fee is charged for inbound receiving services. |
other-transaction | FBAInboundTransportationProgramFee | FBA Inbound Transportation Program Fee | When a FBA Seller opts to use Amazon Partnered Carrier to ship products to Amazon warehouse for FBA services, FBA Inbound Transportation Program Fee is charged for the shipping service. |
other-transaction | HighVolumeListing | High Volume Listing Fee |
High Volume Listing Fee is defined differently depending on the region. In the states, the fee is related to the status of an ASIN. When an ASIN is associated with a dead-listing and the Seller has more than 100,000 active listings, High Volume Listing Fee is charged. For a listing to be deemed a dead-listing, it has to be active over 12 months without sales from any listing associated with an identical ASIN and that ASIN has to be older than 12 months. For European marketplaces, 2 million SKUs over a month period for non-media items are subjected to High Volume Listing Fee. High Volume Listing Fee applies mostly to dropshippers, or any sellers that have more than 100,000 active but dead listings on Amazon. For every extra listing above the first 100,000 listings without sales in the last 12 months, Amazon charges a monthly fee of $0.005. In Amazon Europe, HighVolumeListingFee also exists,...for each active non-media SKU over 2 million, a fee of €0.0004 per SKU will apply. |
other-transaction | Inventory Placement Service Fee | Inventory Placement Service Fee | When FBA Sellers create shipment to send to Amazon warehouse, sometimes they are given a shipping plan to ship their inventory to multiple Amazon warehouse locations. Instead of shipping to multiple locations and paying for additional shipping costs, a Seller can opt into Inventory Placement Service and ship all inventory to a single location and let Amazon distribute within their warehouse network. Opting into this service will incur Inventory Placement Service Fee. |
other-transaction | Inventory Storage Overage Fee | Inventory Storage Overage Fee |
Inventory Storage Overage Fee is calculated based on Inventory Performance Index, IPI. If the inventory a Seller stores in Amazon warehouses is deemed overstocked, then this fee is added. If your existing inventory exceeds your storage limits for a given month, you will be charged an inventory storage overage fee in addition to monthly inventory storage fees and, if applicable, long-term storage fees. The overage fee is based on how many days your storage limits are exceeded. This charge will occur even if your inventory is subsequently reduced to a level below your storage limits allocated for that month. It will be charged monthly at $10 per cubic foot based on the daily average volume (measured in cubic feet) for any space your inventory occupies in Amazon fulfillment centers beyond your storage limits. |
other-transaction | Manual Processing Fee | Manual Processing Fee | When the Seller creates shipment planning to an Amazon warehouse, the Seller is asked to provide box information. When the Seller opts into Manual Processing fee instead of providing the box information, Manual Processing Fee is added when the inventory is received for Amazon Fulfillment services (FBA). |
other-transaction | MaunualDisbursement | Manual Disbursement | Formerly, Manual Disbursement was thought to be the Seller initiated daily disbursement. Based on the information available, such a feature is no longer available. However, a disbursement by an Amazon representative is also noted as Manual Disbursement opposed to automatic disbursement which is made based on the disbursement schedule. |
other-transaction | MFNPostagePurchaseCompleteCGST | MFN Postage Purchase CGST - Tax |
MFN stands for Merchant Fulfilled Network. MFN Postage Purchase CGST is a Central Goods & Services Tax attached to postage purchase by MFN Sellers. CGST is limited to India. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | MFNPostagePurchaseCompleteIGST | MFN Postage Purchase IGST - Tax |
MFN stands for Merchant Fulfilled Network. IGST stands for Integrated Goods and Services Tax. MFN Postage Purchase IGST is a type of Goods & Services Taxes shared between the Central and State governments when goods are exported to or from India. When MFN Sellers purchase postage for an export, it is accompanied by MFN Postage Purchase IGST. IGST is limited to India. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | MFNPostagePurchaseCompleteSGST | MFN Postage Purchase SGST - Tax |
MFN stands for Merchant Fulfilled Network. MFN Postage Purchase SGST is a State Goods & Services Tax attached to postage purchase by MFN Sellers. SGST is limited to India. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | MiscAdjustment | Misc. Adjustment | As the name suggests, this adjustment is used when there’s a miscellaneous adjustment that may not qualify to be associated with any other existing adjustment items. |
other-transaction | NonSubscriptionFeeAdj | Non-Subscription Fee Adjustment | Similar to Misc. Adjustment, this item is any adjustment that may not qualify to be associated with any other existing adjustment items, but is not related to Subscription Fee. |
other-transaction | Paid Services Fee | Paid Services Fee | Amazon provides Premium Services for Sellers which helps with business planning, training, and coaching. Some of these service fees will show up as Paid Services Fee on settlement reports. |
other-transaction | Payable to Amazon | Payable to Amazon | Payable to Amazon is a charge made towards any money owed to Amazon. For a large amount, the credit card on file may be charged. For small amounts, the settlement balance available will be used to remove the amount owed. |
other-transaction | Premium Placement Service Fee | Premium Placement Service Fee | Premium Placement Service is when dispersed inventories within Amazon warehouses are moved to a FBA Seller designated warehouse. When a FBA Seller requests this service, the charge is shown as Premium Placement Service Fee. |
other-transaction | Previous Reserve Amount Balance | Previous Reserve Amount Balance | Sometimes there is unavailable balance on a statement. When such funds become available on the following statement, it is noted as Previous Reserve Amount Balance and is often shown as a Beginning Balance item. |
other-transaction | RemovalComplete | Removal Complete Fee |
When the Seller sends a Removal Order and the inventory is removed from Amazon warehouse, Removal Complete Fee is charged per item removed. Processing time can take up to 30 days or more and fulfilled within 14 business days. Removal fees are charged per item removed. Typically, removal orders are fulfilled in 14 business days. However, removal order processing may take 30 business days or more during the holiday season and peak removal periods. |
other-transaction | RemovalCompleteCGST | Removal Complete CGST - Tax |
CGST stands for Central Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Removal Complete Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Removal Complete CGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | RemovalCompleteSGST | Removal Complete SGST - Tax |
SGST stands for State Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Removal Complete Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Removal Complete SGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | Shipping label purchase | Shipping label purchase | When a FBM Seller purchases a shipping label through Seller Central, the charge will be shown as Shipping Label Purchase. The options can be set through Buy Shipping Preferences. |
other-transaction | Shipping label purchase for return | Shipping label purchase for return | When a FBM Seller purchases a shipping label for a buyer’s return through Seller Central or opts to use an Amazon service that provides Shipping Labels directly to the buyer, the charge will be shown as Shipping Label Purchase for Return. |
other-transaction | ShippingServicesRefund | Shipping Services Refund | Based on the information available, this item could be a charge when a return is decided in favor of the buyer and initially buyer paid for the shipping to return the item back to the FBM Seller. |
other-transaction | Storage Fee | Storage Fee | Storage Fee charged for inventory kept in Amazon warehouses. Based on the type of product and seasonality, the amount charged for Storage Fee may differ. |
other-transaction | Storage Fee Tax | Storage Fee Tax | Tax charged for Amazon storage services. |
other-transaction | StorageBillingCGST | Storage Billing CGST - Tax |
CGST stands for Central Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Storage Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Storage Billing CGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | StorageBillingSGST | Storage Billing SGST - Tax |
SGST stands for State Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Storage Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Storage Billing SGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | StorageRenewalBilling | Storage Renewal Billing | Storage Renewal Billing is a charge made for a long term storage of inventory housed by Amazon warehouses. This term is not used universally but has been spotted in different regions of the EU, Indian and other countries, mainly noted in the FBA reports. |
other-transaction | StorageRenewalBillingCGST | Storage Renewal Billing CGST - Tax |
CGST stands for Central Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Storage Renewal Billing is charged, it is accompanied by Storage Renewal Billing CGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | StorageRenewalBillingSGST | Storage Renewal Billing SGST - Tax |
SGST stands for State Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Storage Renewal Billing is charged, it is accompanied by Storage Renewal Billing SGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | Subscription Fee | Subscription Fee | If Seller created the account as a Professional Seller, then there is a monthly Subscription Fee. Instead of being charged per item sold on Amazon. |
other-transaction | SubscriptionFeeCorrection | Subscription Fee Correction | When there’s a correction made to an existing Subscription Fee transaction, it is shown as Subscription Fee Correction. |
other-transaction | Successful charge | Successful charge | An Amazon charge processed from the Seller’s credit card on file will be shown as Successful Charge. |
other-transaction | Tax Withholding Reimbursement | Tax Withholding Reimbursement | For some products and sellers, Amazon is required to hold Tax Withholding for all sales. For some products, the Seller can update tax settings from Seller Central to manage the percentage of tax withholding on each order. When these tax withholding is returned to the Seller, it is noted under Tax Withholding Reimbursement. This item is separate from Marketplace Facilitator services by Amazon. |
other-transaction | toRestoreSettlementBalance | Restore Settlement Balance | The previous balance is noted on Beginning Balance on each statement. Restore Settlement Balance often is seen as an item listed under the Beginning Balance. Based on the information available, this item can be a credit that has been added when once unavailable funds are released after resolution of account issues or suspension. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | Transfer of funds unsuccessful: A transfer could not be initiated because the transfer amount does not meet Amazon’s minimum transfer amount. | Transfer of funds unsuccessful - Minimum not met | When transfer of funds fails or is unsuccessful, this item is shown if the minimum requirement is not met. If the error is not correct, it is best to contact Seller Support for assistance. |
other-transaction | Transfer of funds unsuccessful: Amazon has cancelled your transfer of funds. | Transfer of funds unsuccessful - Amazon cancelled | When transfer of funds fails or is unsuccessful, this item is shown if the transfer is cancelled by Amazon. No additional information is available for this item. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | Transfer of funds unsuccessful: An unexpected issue occurred. Please contact Seller Support for more information. | Transfer of funds unsuccessful - Unexpected, Contact Seller Support | When transfer of funds fails or is unsuccessful, this item is shown if the transfer fails due to an unexpected error. No additional information is available for this item. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |
other-transaction | Transfer of funds unsuccessful: We could not transfer funds to your bank account because the account information on file is invalid. Please update your bank account information. | Transfer of funds unsuccessful - Bank Info Invalid | When transfer of funds fails or is unsuccessful, this item is shown if bank information on the Seller’s account is invalid. If the error is not correct, it is best to contact Seller Support for assistance. |
other-transaction | Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode cannot be scanned | Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode cannot be scanned |
Barcode cannot be scanned when inventory arrives at an Amazon warehouse with defective barcodes. When you comply with Fulfillment by Amazon’s Packaging and prep requirements and Shipping and routing requirements and ensure that your carriers and suppliers also follow them, it enables efficient and accurate receipt and storage of your inventory at the fulfillment center. |
other-transaction | Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode label missing | Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode label missing | Amazon Fulfillment services will charge an Unplanned Service Fee - Barcode Label Missing when inventory arrives at an Amazon warehouse with defective barcodes. |
other-transaction | WarehousePrep | Warehouse Prep Fee | Warehouse Prep Fee is charged when additional prep is required for the inventory to be fulfilled by Fulfillment services. |
other-transaction | WarehousePrepCGST | Warehouse Prep CGST - Tax |
CGST stands for Central Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Warehouse Prep Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Warehouse Prep CGST. Limited Regional Application |
other-transaction | WarehousePrepSGST | Warehouse Prep SGST - Tax |
SGST stands for State Goods & Service Tax and is specific to India. When Warehouse Prep Fee is charged, it is accompanied by Warehouse Prep SGST. Limited Regional Application |
UNKNOWN | other-transaction | Unknown Other Transaction Fee, Contact Seller Support | As the name suggests, this item is not defined and isn’t known. Best way to learn more about the item is to contact Seller Support for more details. |