How to report hijackers?

Sellers who are scrapping listings of legitimate sellers known as hijackers or piggybackers present unfair competition and are a threat to your sales. To prevent hijackers from juping on your listings, you first need to detect them. You can easily do that by enabling Hijacker Alerts from your Bindwise portal and access the list of your competitors from the Hijacker Dashboard.

Here's how to report them.

  1. Create a list of your Competitor's Names and Storefront links. You can pull this information from your Hijacker's Dashboard (as seen in the above video).
  2. then, copy the list with the following message into the body of an email: "We believe above sellers are engaging in fraudulent activity. Please investigate."
  3. In the subject of the email put "Possible fraudulent sellers."
  4. send the email to

Special notes: do not use the terms like “fake” or “counterfeit”, or add anything to the above message, and don't report the same sellers you have already reported.



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