Reconnect your Amazon Seller Account

The reason why Bindwise might lose the connection with your store is the Amazon security mechanism: once a year all merchants are required to confirm the MWS connection according to Amazon Terms Of Service.

You'll get an email notification from Amazon reminding you to confirm Bindwise's access to Amazon's MWS in Seller Central. These emails have the subject "[ACTION REQUIRED] - Your Software Application Authorization is About to Expire".

It might look like an inconvenience, but it increases your store's security. This is because if you no longer use some service and forget to revoke access, this ensures that after a while the service won't have access to your store data. Which, in the long run, is good for you.

If you forgot to confirm the access Amazon will disconnect Bindwise from your store after some days. Shortly after that, you will receive notification from Bindwise about this problem and you'll need to reactivate it again.

To reconnect your store with Bindwise

  1. Visit your Bindwise account, the Sales Channels page
  2. Click RECONNECT and follow the on-screen instructions
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