Product dimensions and weights cause incorrect FBA fees

If you ship your items to FBA warehouses it's critical for your profitability to know that Amazon charges you correct FBA fees. This can be achieved by staying on top of your product dimensions and weights changes and ensuring that they stay correctly measured. 

Bindwise Alerts notifies you about every change in dimensions or weight affecting your FBA fees. The following fees might be affected: 

  • Fulfilment fee
  • Storage fee
  • Pick & pack fee
  • Handling fee
  • EFN fulfilment fee

Learn more on how to enable monitoring of dimensions or weights affecting your fees.

Fix incorrect product dimensions and weights

If you notice incorrect dimensions of your items, you can't fix them in your Seller Central directly. Packages are re-measured and re-weighed when they get received by the FBA warehouse. You need to open a case with Amazon Seller Support and request to remeasure (so-called cubiscan).

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