Data Collection
Bindwise is officially registered with Amazon as a Developer, meaning we have agreed to the Amazon Marketplace Developer Agreement, Data Protection Policy and Acceptable Use Policy to access Information from your Seller Central via MWS.
After you authorize Developers to interface with certain features of your seller account, you can revoke access at any point in time. Additionally, access is granted for 12 months only. You will need to re-confirm access to the Developer after every 12 months else, for your safety, it will be revoked after expiry.
Speed of scanning
Bindwise checks at least your 100 ASINs every 15 minutes, i.e more than 400 ASINs per hour or 9600 ASINs per day. This means that you are getting most of your alerts in real-time as the changes occur, but with Seller Accounts that sell an extremely high volume of products, the delay in alert delivery can take a bit longer.
Data processing
After Bindwise receives the information from Amazon's MWS, we interpret the data and convert it to alerts delivered to your specified email(s).
Alert delivery
Bindwise offers advanced alert filtering, which means you can only select the features you'd like to track and receive notifications about them. Instead of providing you with yet another dashboard, you can get alerts in your favourite app that your team already uses.